Morgan Stanley Asia IWD Women Who Inspire Series - Women4Tech: Global Challenge
Morgan Stanley Asia - Women4Tech: Global Challenge
Event details
Date: 23 March 2021
Time: AM & PM Session
The Women4Tech: Global Challenge allows female students to experience first-hand what our Morgan Stanley technologists do best; working collaboratively in teams to solve unique and challenging problems.
Each team will apply their combined skills to solve four problems designed by our global technologists.
In line with Morgan Stanley Values, the winning team will take into account not only the successful completion of each challenge but how teams worked together to achieve success!
Target Audience
Undergraduate or Masters students studying. Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Cyber Security, Mathematics, Physics, business/data analytics or other related technical STEM majors, graduating between July 2022 and July 2024
Due to the collaborative, team-based nature of this event, we may be unable to accommodate all registrations. You can expect to receive confirmation of your successful registration to the event by 19th March 2021 via the email address you provided.
For more information about the event, contact Morgan Stanley Asia Campus Recruiting at
If you are interested in other Morgan Stanley events, visit our website at
This Program is closed to applications.